
Research Platform FINO2

In early 2002 the federal government decided to build three research platforms in close distance to planned and applied large offshore wind farms.

The aims of these research platforms in the North Sea and Baltic Sea (FINO = Forschungsplattformen in Nord- und Ostsee) is to explore the environmental conditions at the site and to identify possible effects of offshore wind farms on the marine environment.

As the second of a total of three research platforms of the BMWi, FINO2 research platform was built in the southwestern Baltic Sea in 2007. The project is currently funded by the Ministry of Economy and Energy (BMWi). The client was the Marine Institute Warnemünde (SIW), which was until 2010 also entrusted with the operation of the platform.

In 2010, following a tendering process, the operation and maintenance was awarded to DNV GL (formerly GL Garrad Hassan).
Since the establishment of the platform in 2007 extensive researches on topics such as meteorology, oceanography, ecology as well as investigations on shipping are carried out and are constantly supplemented with new research.

User opinion surveys of the FINO data have shown that the measurement data obtained on the platform already provide valuable knowledge for a technical and sustainable implementation in the construction and operation of offshore wind farms.


The research platform FINO 2 is located 33 kilometers north of the island Rügen in the border triangle Germany-Denmark-Sweden on the southern edge of the shelf “Kriegers Flak”.


FINO 2 consists essentially of the following structural steel units: Mono Pile, Transition piece, Platform deck, Pier and Wind measurement mast.


The Research Platform has a variety of equipment for safety, researches and the platform operation.


Information about project and research partners of FINO 2 Platform, as well as sponsors and other research platforms and wind farms.

FINO Database

The aim is to ensure the recording and storing of perennial measurement series of meteorological and hydrographic data as consistently as possible, for all three Platforms.